BlueCielo Meridian Asset Management Module 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About working in Meridian Explorer > Configuring personal preferences

Most of the configuration of Meridian Explorer is done by a system administrator but you can configure some personal preferences that make it more convenient for you.

To configure personal preferences:

  1. On the Home page, click Settings. The Settings pane appears.
  2. Click Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears.
  3. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Personal preference options
Option Description

Application page


Select the language in which you want the Meridian Explorer user interface (not data) to be shown.


Select a color theme in which you want the Meridian Explorer user interface to be shown.

Use BlueCielo Viewer for Adobe PDF documents

By default, Meridian Explorer will use the Adobe Reader to display Adobe PDF documents. Select this option if you would prefer the documents to be shown in the BlueCielo viewer.

Other page

Max. rows per page

The maximum number of rows to show in each data grid page.

  1. Click save your changes. Click Reset to set all preferences to the default values.

Related tasks

Configuring download options

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